DRS Co - Drainage Repair Specialists Company deal with problem drains and chutes. We are normally called in to carry out a specialist repair service to either refuse chutes or waste stack pipes that need to be de-scaled. However we bring to any drainage or chute problem an experience gained over thirty years and passed on by regular internal training. Our backup for litigation or arbitration cases is well thought of. We realised many years ago that, what was required was a specialist service to compliment the general skills that are already available to Local Authorities and property owners.
Working for local Authorities and property owners we offer a service to repair and make good damaged cast iron pipe work. Balcony drains if damaged allow water ingress in to a dwelling, we investigate report and submit a report on what we can do in each case.
DRS Co Offer a free advice line. We are always happy to discuss your drainage problem and if appropriate advise on average costs of works you contemplate carrying out. We specialise in dealing with difficult problems that affect underground drains and cast iron pipe work. For Local Authority customers we offer a litigation service. If there is a legal case where you want a certainty of action we guaranteed to solve quickly that drainage problem or inform you exactly what is required to deal with it once and for all.