Corrosion Control Services Limited is a specialist subcontractor consultancy in the field of corrosion control of metals in concrete, masonry, soils and natural waters. CCSL can provide survey, investigation, and specialist consultancy services for civil, building, ports and oil and gas structures world wide. Typical examples might be cracking and spalling in concrete structures, displacement or staining of a masonry faades or perforation of sheet and tubular piling. CCSL can devise a suitable investigation and or monitoring regime to suit your asset.
CCSL also provide concrete testing and inspection services from our laboratory facilities in Waterloo Road Telford, with our accreditation by UKAS to undertake testing and inspection works to concrete structures in accordance with ISO 17025:2017 - general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories CCSL are able to determine the condition of the structure and provide suitable cost effective repair solutions. CCSL engineers are certified to EN ISO 15257 and experienced in the design, supply and installation of impressed current cathodic protection systems, galvanic anode systems and hybrid anode systems.
CCSL provide specialist services and systems directly to Main Contractors worldwide to facilitate large scale cathodic protection installations for steel in concrete, historic steel framed buildings, water and soils. CCSL regularly partner with Main Contractors to execute such large cathodic protection contracts at competitive prices on schedule, on budget and minimising Main Contractor risk by the application of our core skills. Our process involves tried and tested methods including: specialist testing & investigation, design & consultancy, material supply and installation services.