Home INSULATION Home Insulation that UK Energy Saving Experts install are effective and could save up to 250 per year on your energy bill. We set safety and service standards to which others aspire, employing the latest technology to provide excellent communication with our customers and a fast, effective and efficient service response. We are one of Britain's leading independent boiler installation companies, trusted by our customers to keep them safe and warm wherever they are, every day of the year.
Home INSULATION Home Insulation that UK Energy Saving Experts install are effective and could save up to 250 per year on your energy bill. Most electrically heated homes in the UK have storage heaters. These use cheaper off-peak electricity to heat up during the night, and then release the heat into the home during the day when it is needed. Modern slim line storage heaters are better insulated, so are more able to store heat - that can be used when you need it, rather than leaking heat constantly throughout the day.
Home INSULATION Home Insulation that UK Energy Saving Experts install are effective and could save up to 250 per year on your energy bill. If your loft is not insulated did you know that a quarter of your heat is lost through the roof. Having UK Energy Saving Experts insulate your loft, attic or roof space is a simple way to effectively save the wasted heat loss and reduce your heating bills. UK Energy Saving Experts install loft insulation up to the recommended thickness of 270mm, the benefits of this thickness being installed are well documented with a possible saving of 250 on your utilities bill.
Home INSULATION Home Insulation that UK Energy Saving Experts install are effective and could save up to 250 per year on your energy bill. Under the Governments ECO Scheme in 2020, qualifying home owners could have their old in-efficient boilers replaced. If you qualify, we can arrange for a local surveyor to visit you, talk you through the process and arrange the install of your new boiler. The scheme is part of ECO3 (energy companies obligation) will run until 2021 and has a budget of over 1 Billion each year and is primarily funded by the big utility companies.