For over 40 years, Paling Joiners have been supplying softwood and hardwood windows to the trades and public. Experience and knowledge is a valuable commodity in any field. Using the latest manufacturing and design techniques, we can offer a solution to any requirement. Whether it to be a new build, replacement item, a like for like item, listed buildings or in Conservation areas.
We are suppliers of certified fire doors and door sets through the BWF CERTIFIRE fire door & door set scheme. From single units to large batches. We hold stocks of various standard sized paint grade, laminated or veneer doors in FD30 and FD60 ratings. Paint grade doors can be supplied pre-primed or primed, undercoated & glossed in any colour you require.
Our extensive product range, marketed under the AQUA® brand includes: preservatives, primers, base stains, stain inhibiting products, fillers, sealers and high build topcoats; a complete package for modern, high performance, joinery. Teknos Total Factory Applied Protection Systems allow joinery manufacturers to produce fully engineered exterior joinery, with almost unlimited colour choice, in a single integrated finishing process. By combining topically applied preservation technology, novel end-grain and joint sealing with protective basecoats and flexible micro porous finishes, the Teknos system allows manufacturers to meet the latest European performance standards whilst reducing process times and working capital.