At Cherwell Heating, we've been helping companies reduce their energy costs whilst ensuring their businesses are kept the right temperature for over 20 years. Our fast, professional installation of gas boilers, plant rooms, industrial space heaters, ground source heat pumps and solar water heating solutions is performed by our highly skilled engineers. We focus on ensuring your business isn't interrupted by any work, keeping a clean, quiet environment. Our unique 57 point servicing checklist ensures your equipment is optimised for maximising longevity and reducing ongoing energy costs.
Our solutions allow you to maintain individual zone control in each room and floor of your building, with options to provide heat and cooling from one unit. Often we can replace technology, instead of rebuilding an entire system - allowing rapid return on investment. We tailor our solution to you, to ensure your goods are stored at the right temperature and you staff work in a comfortable, productive environment. Our solutions enable you to control the exact level of ventilation, humidity and air quality to suit your premises and maximise productivity.
Our solutions allow you to ensure you minimise your energy bills, whilst ensuring your whole building is kept at a comfortable temperature. Often we can replace specific elements of a heating solution, instead of rebuilding an entire system - allowing rapid return on investment. Our solutions for large developments include options for individual units to be able to control the exact temperature, or provide a global-overriding setting. Solutions, such as heat pumps also allow cooling in summer months from the same unit.
Heat pumps use chemicals that easily convert from a gas to a liquid and back again. This chemical is used to transfer cold from inside a building to outside - warming the building up in the process. When operated in cooling mode, the unit will move warm air from inside a building to the outisde - cooling the building down. Using a heat pump can save thousands of pounds a year versus traditional electrical or gas-powered heating and cooling solutions. Our solutions can convert 1kwh of energy into 3-5kw, making them up to 500% more efficient than traditional methods of heating and cooling.
We install extremely efficient solar water heaters which can even work using indirect sunlight - reducing your water-heating costs by up to 60%. Our solutions are efficient throughout the majority of the year (contrary to popular belief, the UK receives 65% of the solar radiation reached in the south of Spain every year). If you have a relatively new combi boiler, the integration with your system will be faster and most likely cost less. Our highly skilled team can ensure installatoin and integration are fast and cost-efficient.