We are based in west Yorkshire and we have over 30 years' experience and knowledge of the waste management industry. We are expert's in waste removal, waste management, Treatment and Recycling of every aspect of your waste requirements. We Cover the whole of west Yorkshire including Leeds, Bradford, Dewsbury, Huddersfield also Manchester and North, East and South Yorkshire mainly, but also Operate throughout the Rest of England, Wales and Scotland. You can rely upon us to do your job with pride and you can be sure that with our experience we will aim to get the job done on time and to the best possible standard.
There are many different types of paint spray extraction systems for different types of paint spraying applications. A spray booth is a controlled environment that is used for the extraction of the excess paint spray and fumes that go with it. In order to assist the removal of unwanted over sprayed paint from the air and to stop excess pollutants from entering our atmosphere, a curtain of water is pumped over the booth like a waterfall. This curtain of water produces a downdraft of air which sucks the over sprayed paint into the booth, the particles are then trapped within the water at the basin of the booth.
As experts in waste acid disposal, Amb Environmental Services can safely remove wastes from industrial and commercial companies which use acids and other chemicals in their manufacturing processes. This is done with the use of our 27,000 ltr Jet / Vacuum combination ADR Tanker. This tanker can safely carry hazardous liquids and sludge's, which could include waste acids, alkalis and flammable liquids. Also for drummed and wastes in IBC's we can remove your waste by curtain sider. The pre-treated work is now dipped into a bath of molten zinc at a temperature of about 450 degrees celsius, until the work is the same temperature of the zinc.
Does your company require confidential waste disposal have waste that is not fit for selling to the shops but you are worried that they could be sold on the car boot if not disposed of correctly then we can take this waste and destroy them but at the same time recycling the product 100%. We can offer a confidential disposal route for companies which in turn ensures complete security for the company and peace of mind for you that your product does not re-enter the market place. Do you have any old/damaged stock that you don't want back on the open market, then we can offer our services such as:- Shredding, Deep burial, Incineration etc.
Amb Environmental Services can offer your company a liquid waste removal services, interceptor cleaning and more by Vacuum Tanker. We are able to deal with any volume of waste from 3 tonnes right up to 27 tonnes! And with on board jetting equipment, sludge's pose no problems, meaning our interceptor cleaning services perfect for dealing with a range of liquids and sludge's. Interceptors and oil separators are fitted to surface water drainage systems on your premises. These systems are put in place to protect the environment, stopping pollution by oils, diesel, petrol and other hydrocarbons.
6Does your company require our tank cleaning services, whatever the Material in your tank there is nothing much that our high pressure 4000psi jetting unit cant break down. Sludges will build up over time in your waste tanks and settlement pits and will require de sludging and tank cleaning also raw product tanks may need cleaning from time to time to stop the build up of skins that stick to the side of tanks and when you least expect it them skins will drop of and block outlet valves the a loss of product will be had to get rid of the blockage.
Do your drains smell or gurgle and would you like to know what might be wrong underground? We can carry out domestic CCTV drain inspection to inspect your house drains for cracks, blockages or collapse. Ourpush camera system consists of a coiler with a reinforced, yet flexible push rod of up to 90 m length, control panel, axial camera head camera. It is used for drain inspections of property drainage systems and their connecting pipes leading to the main sewer. Our drain inspection equipment can also be used for the inspection of main sewer pipes.
One of the common domestic waste removal services provided by AMB Environmental is Cesspit and Septic Tank Emptying. You can rely on our experienced and licensed team to empty your tank; we will visit you to assess the septic tank for size and location. Cesspits and Septic Tanks need emptying at least once a year (depending on the size, make and model of the tank). This is because solid waste materials build up at the bottom of the tank over time, potentially causing blockage and smells coming up into your property.
Trust us to come and empty your tank, We will come out and assess your tank for size and location if you dont. Have you ever had to try and unblock your toilet and thought i wish we knew someone to do this for us then help is at hand! Never will you have to get them rubber gloves out again for a fixed fee will will come out and unblock that blockage from your toilet or sink. If the blockage is down the drains of your property then again for a fixed fee will will come out and assess the blockage and try and unblock with our drain rods for the cheapest option.
Hypochlorite plant room decommissioning at East Yorkshire coast swimming baths
at Manchester Airport, Manchester https://t.co/CH6VPPIPaA
Yesterday evening at cafe del mar
We have tankers available to suck out waste water from flooding, call amb environmental on 01924 489146
Sulphuric acid spill today