A firm of Shropshire renewable energy experts is hitting the road this summer on a mission to help people save money by installing green. A Shropshire renewable energy company is recruiting extra installers as it gears up for the demand created by a new Government incentive. New to solar panels, biomass boilers and micro generation? Then this website will explain simply and clearly what the various systems do, how they can benefit you and how you can go about starting the ball rolling to a lifestyle with reduced energy costs and save on your CO2 emissions.
Solar PV stands for Solar Photovoltaic. Simply put, photovoltaic solar panels harness the sun's energy and convert it into electrical power, which you can use in your home, workplace or building. This electricity replaces the power that would have been purchased from your energy supplier, which would have been generated in conventional power stations running on gas, oil, coal or nuclear fuels. This will thereby reduce your energy costs and help the environment. When it is very sunny, or when there is a low electricity demand in the building, the electricity production may be greater than is required or used.
Under the FITs scheme, UK energy suppliers are compulsorily obliged to make regular payments to the legal owners of buildings who generate their own electricity from solar power (and other renewable energy generating systems such as micro generation wind power). For the latest information, qualification status and rates we suggest you visit The Energy Saving Trust website, the OFGEM website.
Wood pellet boilers, are similar to gas / oil boilers in that they heat hot water for your home, business, workplace or factory, but rather than consuming fossil fuels, they burn man-made wood pellets. 7 Energy recommend koFEN Pellematic Wood Pellet boilers from Organic Energy, although we can supply boilers from other manufacturers. Find out more about koFEN Pellematic boilers here. Biomass harnesses energy to convert to heat from organic biological mass (otherwise known as biomass) such as plants, waste wood, crops and animal waste.
We recommend installing wood pellet boiler systems from koFEN, pioneers in their field and with more than 35,000 boiler installations worldwide we can safely say, one of the most experienced too. Wood pellet boilers from 7 Energy are very convenient to use. We only install Pellematic wood pellet boilers from koFEN, a world-leading manufacturer of biomass boiler technology. Pellematic boilers are totally automated so they can be programmed to turn themselves on and off just like any other boiler.