We understand that key to commercial clients is an in-depth understanding of the market and the sensitivities in which it operates. Very few architecture practices cover all spheres of commercial operation and will tend to specialise. Our practice is no different. This covers the full spectrum of service from initial capacity studies, masterplanning, design codes and detailed planning applications through to production drawings and attendance on site. Clients appreciate our in-depth knowledge of the sector, understanding of planning law and ability to negotiate on difficult sites.
This was a hugely important Budget. How best to steer the UK through some very troubled waters? This article is one… https://t.co/p8ShcmFQ5E
I tried so hard to be positive about the Green Homes Grant - baby steps are better than nothing, I thought. It is s… https://t.co/jp5AKDzPcI
Next big milestone for Sunderland city centre regeneration. Well done Igloo and Sunderland City Council for taking… https://t.co/H4Yx9Ehj4w
Big News! Gov just released draft National Model Design Code. Doesn't sound exciting - but it's impacts will be far… https://t.co/tVkapfsQY0
Anyone for another round of Help to Buy? Call me cynical but Gov never seems to tire of wheezes for propping up cer… https://t.co/xrtJZG7jXc
Would anyone in construction be worried if we suddenly lost 100,000 workers? For those not on Twitter this is worth… https://t.co/0kRMvFEP6s
Yet another alliance formed around MMC housing delivery. This time in our Northern patch. Industry watchers will se… https://t.co/Rw3tM59e4R
This is a major one to watch. We now have three drivers acting to change the labour market: One, we have a large, h… https://t.co/YhB5f4KZwd
Removed London bike lane blocked by parked cars most of the time – study. Cycle lanes are bound to raise lively de… https://t.co/9wN8bDfjqT
Having officially Brexited, here is a very useful thread that highlights all the key changes in nugget-sized portio… https://t.co/8xNcknSOK9