Recent figures from the Metropolitan Police show that crime is on the increase. As a result, more and more businesses are sensibly upgrading their security arrangements, recognising the costly disruption and damage caused by break-ins and theft. With 83% of burglars saying they are deterred by an alarm, a professionally installed intruder detection system is a wise investment. While state-of-the-art CCTV allows you to monitor your business, from anywhere in the world, 24/7. The commercial security solutions provided by Control Systems not only offer the latest technology, but the reassurance that you are protecting your business and your employees from the rising threat of crime.
It is a sad reality that crime is on the increase. The Metropolitan Police report that burglaries and thefts are growing at a worrying rate, with a 21% rise year on year. But while these figures make depressing reading, there are steps you can take to protect your home and your family. 83% of burglars say they would avoid a property fitted with an intruder alarm, so by installing security equipment from Control Systems, you can significantly reduce your chances of becoming a victim of crime. You might be surprised to discover that installing a modern intruder alarm doesn't have to cause major disruption to your home or your decor.