Every business, commercial premises or public building is different - and so are the security systems that Gardsec designs, installs and services. All of our systems are bespoke, carefully tailored to the needs of our commercial clients. We listen carefully to your requirements, because you know best what you want to achieve. Our experts know best how to specify a solution to meet your objectives, cost-effectively. Gardsec covers all your needs from intruder alarms, through fire safety systems and access control to CCTV.
There are few businesses or commercial or public bodies that can afford not to protect their premises with intruder alarm systems. Insurers routinely require them as a precondition of supplying cover. They will often also specify the type and level of security, especially in areas in and around London that have bad crime records. Choosing the right alarm system for your buildings is complex and it is definitely not an in-house decision: it requires expert guidance from a genuinely independent security firm.
The job of a fire alarm system is to ensure that occupants of that residential or commercial building are kept safe at all times. In crucial times if at all there is a fire, an efficiently working fire alarm system will ensure that the burglar alarm sound turns on, the necessary authorities are informed and the fire alarm system itself tries to douse out the flames. All this happens within split seconds, the system therefore need to be efficient, functional and very effective. If there are even the slightest problems with your fire alarm system, the results could prove to be fatal.
You will notice that not all fire alarm systems are the same. The installation of systems varies according to types of buildings, applications and purpose. For e.g. a home will need a small alarm system and a couple of fire and smoke detectors installed in strategic places. A building however will require a much more robust and bigger system with a lot more components added to it. The installation complexity increases depending on the type of building, the layout of the building etc. commercial buildings and premises too vary hugely.
Whether you are making widgets or running a warehouse, you want to be able to concentrate on the business in hand. If you have valuable machinery, vehicles, stock or computer systems on your premises then you can ill-afford to lose them or suffer fire damage. Break-ins and vandalism are distractions from productive work, and involve unwanted costs and disruption: Gardsec will construct a security system that will help you to avoid losses and help you sleep at night. If the burglars try to disable the mains power to one of our alarms, the secure GPRS system kicks in and ensures that the alarm is raised immediately.
If you are looking for Fire Alarms that are not just the best available but are also valued by our workforce then this is the right place for you to be in. You not just get the best systems; you also get a team of experts who are extensively trained on these world class fire alarm systems. They value themselves not because they work with the best systems, but because of the valuable knowledge gained on Fire Alarm systems. The team also prides itself in having the right expertise and knowledge when it comes to fitting these alarm systems.
This regulation requires that the Fire Alarms on your premises be covered by a maintenance programme. Gardsec can carry out this obligation for you. The British Standard further recommends that your fire alarms are serviced four times a year, or not less than twice a year depending on the size of the fire protection system (which in turn relates to the extent of your premises and the degree of hazard present in your operation). Generally known as the Fire Safety Order or FSO, this is the main piece of legislation that covers all non-domestic premises in England and Wales.
At Fire Alarms Maintenance services at Greater London we recognize the fact that our job does not end at advising about the best fire alarm systems and installing it. A good company is also recognized by the after sales services there is to offer. It is our primary duty to help keep your business and residential property safe and take all safety precautions to prevent any kind of fire breakouts. When you talk about services with fire alarm safety systems, we are a name to be reckoned with. Especially so since we not only install the best quality fire alarm systems but also provide maintenance and repair services.
Gardsec design and install any type of Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV) from a basic single camera, or for most commercial applications, a comprehensive multi-camera colour system. Pictures are captured on one or more digital video recorders (DVRs) that use the latest technology for pin-sharp imagery. Internal or external: colour or monochrome: discreet or covert: the range of systems is wide, and now also includes infra-red imaging for night-time surveillance. We only specify high-quality, durable products from leading manufacturers, so that we build systems that will stand up to the rigours of commercial operation.
In an age of computer theft, white-collar crime and industrial espionage, you can't afford to take the security of your offices lightly. Physical security protection, in the form of access control and a remotely-monitored alarm system, will help to avoid your business being put at risk. We can install the latest wireless alarm systems in your premises, for high-level protection without having to disrupt your operation. If you are renting offices then this avoids the need to upset the landlord by digging cables into walls.