To gain access to our full online price calculator and to receive your instant online PAT Testing price via email, please tick our GDPR checkbox to confirm you're happy for us to send you an email. Don't worry, you can unsubscribe at any time. Entrusting Greater Manchester PAT Testing with your electrical safety needs also protects you from unwanted issues with insurance companies. If an accident happens in your workplace or property, and your electrics haven't been PAT Tested, insurers could reject your claim outright or could delay your claim and then pay out a minimal sum.
Here at Greater Manchester PAT Testing we have written a short guide for what you need to look for and how to find your PAT Tester. We hope this list helps you in your search for your chosen PAT testing company and that you're armed with a little bit more knowledge about what to expect.
School Kitchen - catering equipment such as food mixers, toasters and electric weighing scales should be tested every 12 months as these items will be used daily and are situated in a more high risk environment. Cleaning cupboards - Vacuum cleaners may need to be checked more frequently, simply because they are used more often. Keeping a record of your PAT Testing is not required by law, but is good practice and essential for schools to have documented evidence of the completion of PAT and it is also useful to have an electrical asset list that normally is produced as a result of testing.
When you let Greater Manchester PAT Testing take care of your PAT testing you will be given the relevant certificates. Insurers will therefore look more favorably on any claim you might have to make. You're also much less likely to suffer a workplace accident. It really is win-win situation! Unlike many out there we offer exceptional service standards at affordable rates. Our friendly yet professional work ethic stands us head and shoulders above our competition. To ensure a smooth and hassle free electrical testing service we work with you and your staff to make sure disruption is minimal.