Please Note: This year our offices will close from Friday 18th December 2020 and re-open on Monday 4th January 2021. We will not be able to undertake or accept deliveries during this period. Particularly attractive when it comes to the refurbishment of non-traditional property types and even when demolition is under consideration. SEWI - A cost effective solution extending the life of defective buildings whilst improving appearance and thermal efficiency.
Structherm are the UK's number one experts in the external refurbishment of non-traditional housing & high rise buildings. Our unique Structural External Wall Insulation can extend the life of a property by 30 years, dramatically improve the thermal performance, reduce fuel bills and provide a modern and fresh appearance. Founded in 1983, Structherm are renowned for its unique 'Structural External Wall Insulation' (SEWI) system which is manufactured at its factory in West Yorkshire. The SEWI system is designed to provide a refurbishment solution for the treatment of defective, non-traditional housing and high rise buildings.
Structherm are the market leading experts of Structural External Wall Insulation refurbishment solutions for the non-traditional low and high rise social housing market. We specialise in providing top quality products, systems and services in an efficient, safe and sustainable manner. Structherm were established back in 1983 when the first Structural External Wall Insulation panels rolled off the production line. Since then there have been many changes and developments over the years to bring us to where we are today.
Whilst Structherm are renown for their unique Structural External Wall Insulation System we recognise that such a system may be over engineered for many projects. Often, a standard EWI system may be all that is required. There are millions of solid wall and non-traditional properties in the UK which suffer from poor thermal performance. If these are structurally sound and the substrate of sufficient quality then a direct EWI system may be all that is required. This is why Structherm also offer a full range of standard EWI systems.
It's great to see our work as part of this article - If you're working on a high rise project like Shakespeare Towe…
We've released a new non-traditional profile - This one focuses on Cussins steel framed homes. Built between 1945-1…
If you read our profile on Airey homes, and want to see our previous work - Read our case study on how we worked w…
Woolaways homes are prone to cracking in the pre-cast concrete columns. Our Non-traditional Profile on these BRE de…
This week, our non-traditional profile looks at BISF homes. With a steel frame, these building are prone to corrosi…
Last year, @mtecwalling installed our EWI system on Queensgate School in East Cowes on the Isle of Wight. The clean…
Our latest profile on non-traditional houses looks into Boswell properties. When correctly refurbished, the effect…
Our CPD is available online and covers the issues faced when refurbishing non-traditional homes. Find out more here…
The brick effect @ArtBrickLTD finish on this house in Caerleon, Wales, looks amazing. We think it's the perfect pro…
Following our @The Insulated Render and Cladding Association (INCA) award winning pilot work, we're now working on refurbishing over 100 Crosswall properties for Stoke-on-Trent City Council and Unitas Stoke-on-Trent with our the unique Structherm hybrid system and @ArtBrick Limited finish by.