Anyone based in the Black Forest must shine very brightly indeed to be seen. For the last 90 years, here in Villingen Schwenningen, we have been building some of the finest lighting systems in the world. But for us, light is not an end in itself. Our light exists to serve. To work. To create. To extend horizons. To wake people up. To control hormones. Maximum quality and optimum userfriendliness are not ends in themselves. They ensure that people can do what they want to do. And, thanks to cutting-edge German technology, to do so as well as humanly possible.
Herbert Waldmann and its Swiss brand Derungs, are presenting the Vivaa Free standing luminaire with an improved light engine and more possibilities for individualists. GmbH provides all this for its residents thanks to the use of a biodynamic lighting system by Waldmann. The Institute of Experimental Psychophysiology has confirmed the positive effects on mental and physical health in a field study. Waldmann stands for innovative lighting solutions. With the new Opticlux hand-held magnifier luminaire, the lighting experts are presenting a versatile product that can be used in the medical, industrial but also agricultural environment.
The home of Waldmann lies in one of the most attractive regions in Germany, the Black Forest. Initially established as an electrical company in Villingen-Schwenningen, the company today represents a global player with own sales and production facilities in 11 countries. The worldwide presence is boosted by a comprehensive network of distribution and cooperation partners. This ensures comprehensive and direct support. You may contact our data protection officer Mr. Tino Hauser by writing to the above-mentioned address Attn.
The better the light, the better the production. Good lighting improves performance, reduces fatigue and cuts down on wast. By providing just the right level of lighting in just the right place, where it is directly needed. To enable you to understand the positive effects of lighting, and to use it in your company to optimum effect, our LIGHTLINER is coming to you with the most up-to-date intelligent lighting solutions for the future of your company. Our LIGHTLINER brings you the very latest lighting systems and sample applications, as well as our in-depth expert knowledge for lighting solutions at the workplace in areas ranging from Research & Development to Production, Training, Testing, Inspection, Service and to the individual machines.
Experience our lighting solutions: take in the atmosphere, convince yourself of the light quality, test the usability, sense the biodynamics, . Or just let yourself get inspired. Emil Waldmann was the founder of or company and became independent in 1928 when he established a company for electrical installations. As the father of the company, he also is the name giver of our showroom. There we show you lighting solutions from all four business fields that today characterise the brand Waldmann. Immerse yourself in our world of lighting that focuses on people and their needs.
As Engineers of Light we see ourselves as personally committed to creating new lighting solutions. Ones perfectly adapted to suit the needs of people - in the office, in industry or in the care and health sector. To accomplish this, we work in an interdisciplinary fashion using a carefully selected range of networks and trade associations. You may contact our data protection officer Mr. Tino Hauser by writing to the above-mentioned address Attn. Data Protection Officer or by sending an e-mail to
Light plays a crucial role for the ergonomics of a workplace. Good office lighting supports visual tasks and contributes to well-being. The luminous intensity at workplaces should therefore be at least 500 Lux. Workplace-related office lighting, such as classical workplace luminaires (desk luminaires), standard luminaires, ceiling luminaires, luminaires for desk-mounting or suspended luminaires, offer best options for an individual lighting solution at workplaces. These luminaires can be switched on in addition, or dimmed, to meet your personal needs.
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Der Sommer kommt und mit ihm aller Voraussicht nach Lockerungen im Lockdown. Wie wir Office Flchen in Zukunft physisch und digital sicher machen erfahren Sie in den WALDMANN Webinaren am 04.03. und am 18.03., jeweils um 10 Uhr.
FIGHTING DARKNESS EVERYWHERE (106): Theben AG, Haigerloch, Deutschland
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