Our system design team is equipped with a broad range experience of designing solar PV systems from a domestic 1 kWp to commercial systems of up to 250 kWp. System design is the key step in getting optimum output from the Solar PV system and a well designed system can increase production compared to a poorly designed system. We offer this service to our clients looking for the system design of over 16 amps per phase. ADVENDSOL LTD is an MCS certified installer and therefore we organize listing of our installed projects in MCS database and issue certificates to the customers which is necessary step to claim FIT payments.
What is Feed In Tariff (FIT)? The Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) scheme is a government programme designed to promote the uptake of renewable and low-carbon electricity generation technologies. In simple words you get paid for what electricity you produce through Solar PV system, even if you use all that electricity at your premises. Further Information can.
ADVENDSOL LTD can help you in reducing carbon foot print of your home by getting Solar PV installed at your home's roof top. Whether you're looking for a solar panel installation, solar batteries or your car's EV charging point our experienced engineers can help.
https:// www.independent. co.uk/ environment/ uk-coal-renewabl es-record-clima te-change-fossi l-fuels-a890143 6.html?utm_medi um=Social&utm_s ource=Facebook# Echobox=1557141 553
UK goes more than 100 hours without using coal power for first time in a century. https://t.co/RBJvGZkyvZ
Follow us on instagram at https:// www.instagram.co m/advendsol/
Surge in #solar power is flooding Australia's national grid
WE have recently installed 40 kWp #SolarPV system at Lanarkshire Central Mosque in Scotland, supporting them to become green community place.
https:// www.bbc.co.uk/ news/ technology-44303 881
visit our new look website at https://t.co/avKR9UTBt2
Giant Leap: First Commercial Solar PV system of 11 kWp all installed and commissioned. #SolarPV #CommercialSolar… https://t.co/CceKvI4e8k
Finalist @EEandRAwards #SolarPV #energyefficiency #EnergyStorage https://t.co/351neaxnsH
ADVENDSOL LTD have been nominated for 2017 Regional Solar PV Installer of the Year award. @EEandRAwards https://t.co/sa9cQnpLnE