An emergency lighting system ensures safe evacuation in the case of an emergency. It is vital that emergency lighting systems are properly maintained as this is a statutory requirement as well as aiding persons to leave your building safely.
We can offer encompassing security solutions for peace of mind, lower insurance rates and for a safe and secure working environment, through the design, supply, installation through to ongoing maintenance of CCTV, Intruder and Access Control Systems.
Clarkson's service team will schedule and carry out the planned preventive maintenance visits in accordance with BS5839 part 1 attending quarterly or six monthly depending on our clients requirements. Over the course of 12 month all the detection sensors on a fire alarm will be tested for correct operation and any remedial actions required will be raised to keep the system in full working order.
(Re)découvrez comment fonctionne un Système de Sécurité Incendie ! #expertise…
DEF Belgium lance son nouveau site web ! #expertise #securiteincendie
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