We'll collect, protect, store, manage, scan and deliver all your important documents - and even securely destroy them when the time's right. Your records will be more secure off-site. Your offices will look great, and you'll free up expensive floor space. You won't need to hire your own staff to manage your storage and cart heavy boxes around - with all the risks that that entails. Most storage companies will bill you over and over again for replacement boxes. We never will: when necessary, all our boxes are replaced for free - and when their life is over, they go straight to recycling.
The Storage Company will securely collect, archive, manage, scan, deliver & even destroy your documents off-site, from our warehouses serving Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Cardiff and the rest of the South West. We're proud to be members of the Records Management Society and the Society of Archivists. Our success has been founded on two key principles. Firstly-and it may sound a bit clichéd, but it's true - we treat every customer as an individual, with each storage transaction tailored to the client in question.