Solite Europe Ltd is a leading manufacturer and supplier of clean room lighting equipment and luminaires for laboratories, pharmaceutical areas, semi-conductor manufacturing areas, hospitals, kitchens and food preparation applications. Customers include many blue chip companies worldwide. Since its management buyout in 1998 and the acquisition of the company by FW Thorpe Plc in 2009, Solite Europe has strengthened its reputation as a company that can supply specialist lighting and clean-area products to the highest standards.
Solite offer a comprehensive range of emergency lighting solutions from standalone emergency, through to full wireless control and monitoring systems. Working closely with our sister company Thorlux Lighting we have adopted their innovative SmartScan emergency lighting system and this allows us to provide the best in market emergency lighting control system across our clean area, healthcare and custodial ranges.
We would like to #ThankYou for all your support through 2020, and wish you and your #Family #Health and #Happiness…
New feature in #SmartScan!
Introducing our new revolutionary EVO RA and EVO RA XL! The #EvoRA luminaire is a high-performance rear access walk…
Book your #CPD training!
@thorluxlighting protecting environment!
Tomorrow, 11/11/2020 at 11:30am @lux_live you can listen to Richard Caple!
Do you need a brilliant anti-ligature IP66 IK10++ luminaire for your project? Take a look at Arcadian luminaire!