We are a Manchester based domestic and commercial soundproofing company with a manifesto that is very simple - ‘To bring our customers peace'. We are the UK's one-stop shop for soundproofing and room acoustics, solving every day sound related problems with our extensively tested acoustic systems. All systems are customisable to your individual sound related problem. We are a business that cares about our customers and the outcome of our service, which is how we've come to achieve such an exemplary reputation for what we do.
Doors pose a problem when it comes to stopping noise from travelling in or out of a room. They are, by their nature, movable and inherently lighter than the wall they fit in. Whether you're trying to stop noise coming in or out of your bedroom or a music studio, the principles are the same and can be address with our door soundproofing install packages. We look to reduce airborne noise travelling through a door by addressing two fundamental issues. Fantastic service from start to finish with City Insulation.
Soundproofingis the process of making a room or a building resistant to the passage of sound through noise reduction techniques. Soundproofing systems are a combination of materials that affect sound transmission by altering the density, separation and depth of a ceiling, wall or floor. Typically, the greater the separation, density and depth of the system being installed, the better the noise reduction. That all depends on the room that we're soundproofing and whether it is just ceiling, floor or walls that we're soundproofing or a combination.
Our soundproof windows are becoming ever more popular as people look for that little bit of peace and quiet in their lives. Whether you live in a city centre or a quiet suburb, outside noise pollution is unfortunately an issue that no neighbourhood is completely immune to. One of the most significant ways noise enters homes, apartments and offices is through the multitude of windows present. We obviously need them for natural daylight but compared to the walls that typically surround them, they are definitely the weak point.
We are soundproofing Liverpool one buildingat a time. For a high percentage of us, noise pollution causes problems. The world in which we live in is hectic and this means we are constantly surrounded by noise. Trains, cars, planes, music and people are some of the main culprits when it comes to noise pollution but there is no longer the need to put up with it because City Insulation has a solution. If you are looking for soundproofing in Liverpooland or the surrounding area then you have come to the right place.