Crystal Clean is a company where cleaning is taken very seriously. We understand finding a trustworthy cleaner is not an easy task, that's why we offer high quality reliable service that you can trust. We are more than happy to give you advice on the type of cleaning which is suited to your premises. Once we have understood your requirements we will make every effort to allocate a cleaner suited to your individual cleaning needs. If you wish to break away from your daily domestic routine, be more productive and enjoy your time why don't let Crystal Cleaners do the jobs you hate - we love them!.
Established in 1996 by myself T.Kisyakova (Dora) and Based in North London-Hampstead Crystal Clean our area of expertise is catering for domestic clients. Not only can we undertake standard domestic cleaning duties also offer the added benefits of high quality floor/upholstery cleaning using specialist commercial machines. We have established a reputation for providing our clients with an honest and responsible service (see testimonials). This is mainly due to the fact that as proprietor of a small operation I am able to maintain a policy of always being available personally to my clients when ever they require, Initially this starts with an introductory meeting to discuss their needs (e.g. the day, time, duties of the cleaner.)
Choose from our extensive range of specialist cleaning services, including office, nursery and school cleaning. Crystal Clean offer a range of quality and professional cleaning services. We are pleased to arrange carpet and window cleaning.
If you wish to break away from your daily domestic routine, be more productive and enjoy your time why don't let Crystal Cleaners do the jobs you hate - we love them! We have a wide variety of services to match your requirements. Apart from spring and domestic cleaning we'll do our clients ironing, after events cleaning, packing and unpacking after and before a removal and arrange windows and carpet cleaning as required. So as you see, we provide most domestic services. Professional domestic cleaning of your home at times to suit you, available on a daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.