The family business was started by my Grandfather in Luton in the 1950's and was called Mac's Super Vac and it has remained a family business with my uncles, father, brothers and sister all sweeping chimneys at one time or another. Back then coke and coal was the solid fuel of the day for the open fires which was the main source of home heating. The open fires slowly gave way to solid fuel boilers for central heating, right through to the current day, where multi fuel stoves, biomass boilers, open fires as well as gas fires providing a significant heating input to the home and are often the decorative focal point of a room.
Does sweeping the chimney make a lot of mess? A. No. Firstly we place a clean floor sheet on the area of the floor in the immediate vicinity of the fireplace opening and hearth, for the chimney that we are sweeping. A working area in front of the fireplace/opening of approx. 2 metres by 2 metres is required ideally, though we appreciate that this is not always possible. We screen off the fireplace/opening and sweep the chimney through the screen, through it's whole length with a Brush and Rod's.
Stove installations into existing fireplace openings, are something that we specialise in. A 2 part, Green, A4 sized N.A.C.S Certificate of SOUNDNESS TESTING, showing that the chimney has PASSED the test. 2 The specific manufacturer of the stove that you wish to have fitted does NOT not stipulate that the appliance requires that the chimney must be relined/require a flue liner - Most manufacturer's do not, although a few do. 3 Any wood/combustible material has been removed, or clad in fire and heat retardant material from near the opening - this can include wooden skirting board being too near to the opening, and wood beams/railway sleepers stuck above the top of the opening.