South Antrim Boiler Services offers complete design and layout of new steam and hot water systems and installation of boiler house plant, steam pipe work and controls. We also design, manufacture and install blow down tanks, hotwells, feed tanks, pressure vessels, etc.
At South Antrim Boilers Services Ltd we have our own dedicated and experienced burner and combustion engineers who carry out all aspects of design, installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair to all popular makes and models of Natural Gas, LPG and Oil fired commercial burner and combustion appliances. We have built up decades of experience and knowledge in commercial heating and boiler maintenance and we are proud to have a strong reputation for reliability, flexibility and quality.
South Antrim Boiler Services has vast experience in providing comprehensive pipe work services to a variety of Industrial & Commercial clients throughout Northern Ireland, Southern Ireland and Scotland. We design, install and commission stainless steel and steel steam pipe work installations, hot water pipe work installations, fuel oil pipe work installations, pressure vessels, hot well tanks and gas pipe work. We employ our own coded welders and mechanical service engineers and use approved welding procedures, soundness and strength testing, leak detection and repair and steam surveys.