Our fire risk assessments and fire consulting services can help you meet your fire safety obligations. Firestop can undertake the design, installation and maintenance of fixed electrical systems.
Firestop Services has found over the years that one recurring invisible fire risk is the lack of fire stopping to service penetrations. Where contractors or in-house maintenance operatives break through a compartment, or sub compartment wall it is generally left unchecked. Firestop Services can undertake fire surveys of accessible passive fire protection provision, identify these "invisible risks" and if engaged to do so we can supply and install all types of fire stopping systems and passive fire protection.
We install, maintain and commission all equipment to the relevant British Standard 5306 and are accredited with BAFE SP101. This is the independent, third party certification registration body for the fire protection industry. Firestop Services install, service and maintain Emergency Lighting to British Standard 5266 and in accordance with Current Safety Legislation. Firestop Servicessupply a large range of Fire and Safety Signage which complies with 'The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulation 1999'.