CE Consultants are a professional asbestos and hazardous materials Consultancy Business that provides the full range of asbestos related services to clients in the UK, US and Asia. CE Consultants provide Asbestos Surveys, Asbestos Consultancy, Asbestos air testing and 4-stage clearances for asbestos removal, Lead Paint Surveys and analysis, Land Contamination surveys and advice, Health & Safety Consultancy, Compliance Audits and Health & Safety/Asbestos Training services throughout the U.K. U.S. Middle-East and Asia Pacific region.
Clearway Environmental are a well respected provider of compliance services including, but not limited to; Asbestos Surveys, Asbestos Consultancy, Air Testing and asbestos Laboratory Services, Lead Paint Surveys, Mold Surveys, testing and inspections, Anthrax/Hazardous materials testing, Asbestos Training, Land Contamination, Vibration/Noise monitoring and professional detailed advice on any of the above and Asbestos Expert Witness services for litigation etc. Whatever service we provide you with, you'll be completely satisfied with the experience on any project from inception to completion.