Are you relocating, leasing your property, in need of a major deep clean or maybe buying a house that just needs a really good clean? If so, our professional cleaning company is able to fulfil all of your cleaning needs! We provide reliable home cleaning in London and surrounding areas. You've come to the right place! The Maid Home Cleaning is the company that you're looking for. Our home cleaners will take the entire burden of cleaning off your hands and provide your home with a comprehensive cleaning procedure.
Few household items can be as crucial to creating a homely aesthetic as carpets and rugs. A unique and most necessary addition to any household, carpets make your home look snug and welcoming, and add a touch of comfort, all the while protecting you from breathing in nasty specks of dust and dirt. Make sure that your carpets and rugs are well taken care of with the help of our carpet cleaning in London! Don't let your carpets get to a sorry state where you can visibly see them being dirty and dusty.
The windows in your home serve three very important purposes. They allow you to look at the world outside, they let the sun come in, providing you with light and warmth and they help you shape the look of your home. Having dirty windows will not only make your home look bad to those outside, but it can also lead to various health and emotional hazards. With time, dirt, dust and rain will smudge your windows and you need to take action before the negative effects start manifesting. Our experts can help you with all things related to window cleaning in London.
Have an important event coming up? A holiday gathering approaching? Be it birthdays, weddings, celebrations, reunions or plain old seasonal cleaning, your home needs to be taken care of and quickly. Why spend time, money and effort on trying to get it done all on your own, when you can hire a team of fully equipped professionals to do it for you, while you spend your free time tending to other matters? All it takes is a simple phone call and you can kick back, relax and enjoy your time off with your friends and family while we take care of your home for you!
Each and every piece of furniture requires careful maintenance. Furthermore, frequent cleaning sessions are necessary in order to get rid of all the dust, dirt and allergens that your upholstery needs to deal with on a daily basis. If you're looking for excellent upholstery cleaning in London - look no further! Are you waiting for the spots to become clearly noticeable before you decide to get your upholstery cleaned up, you are doing it wrong! Yes, cleaning frequently does take a lot of time and effort.
Keep your cooking area neat, spotless and shiny with the help of The Maid Home Cleaning company! As a premier provider of domestic cleaning services, we specialise in all types of oven cleaning in London. With us, you and your family stand to benefit from long years of experience, backed up by modern cleaning equipment and professionalism. We utilise tried and tested oven cleaning methods, allowing us to remove grease, grime and spots, all the while drastically lowering the risks of malfunctions and hazards.
Book a regular domestic cleaning service with us for 2 hours at the low, Exclusive home cleaning rate of 15.00 per hour! Why not take the pressure off making your household look "spick and span" by booking one of our regulardomestic cleaners to lighten the load? Book over 2 hours per week with us and we will reduce the hourly rate to just 15.00 per hour! That's right just 15.00 per hour for quality regular domestic help! Name: *Phone Number: *Email: *Address *Cleaning service required: Domestic CleaningOne Off CleaningEnd of Tenancy CleaningAfter Builders CleaningCarpet CleaningUpholstery CleaningWashing & IroningDo you have any special requirements?
We are the masters of cleaning. Call for a free quote on 020 8226 2007 #cleaningagencieslondon
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