This is where pieces of old and end of life aviation parts are transformed into stunning bespoke aviation furniture. With a real passion for creating contemporary, functional and bespoke furniture for offices and homes. Feel free to take a look around my website and get in touch with me if you would be interested in commisioning your very own aircraft furniture. Anything can be built!
I'm Stu Abbott, owner of Stu-Art Aviation Furniture, designer, manufacturer and inventor. Based in the North East of Great Britain I create world leading aviation inspired furniture, for homes, office and commercial use. With over 18 years experience as an engineer in the aviation industry, I have a real passion for deconstructing, recycling and redesigning aircraft parts into delectable, high end furniture for my clients. Knowing how aircraft parts are constructed and used in the aviation environment, it means that I have a sound understanding of the materials that I work with.