Parquet flooring is flooring that is made up of different pieces of wood arranged at angles and in designs. Believe it or not, this form of flooring has been used since the 1600s, and is still a very popular choice. Our Parquet flooring is made of European Oak and Ash woods. Some parquet is made of manufactured wood and covered in hardwood veneer that is what we call Engineered parquet flooring. Parquet flooring is laid in all kinds of beautiful patterns and the wood can be stained, oiled, smoked different colors to add to the design of the floor.
Solid wood flooring has immense resilience and lasting qualities for a lifetime. It is a unique natural ecological wood product and can not be compared to three layer engineered wood parquet or a plastic laminate products. Its natural texture and quality can not be reproduced by any other flooring type. Choosing Tomson Floors oak or ash solid wood flooring for your bedroom, lounge, kitchen, hallway or bathroom will give you a high quality result and satisfaction. State of the art (high quality) technology and a skilled work force will guarantee you a high quality end product.
This gives engineered wood floors the natural characteristics of the selected wood species as opposed to a photographic layer which is the case with laminate flooring. Engineered wood flooring can provide greater stability where moisture or heat pose problems for solid hardwood floors i.e in the case of buildings with underfloor heating or in bathrooms and may also be chosen for aesthetic reasons - engineered flooring is often available in wider and longer planks than solid hardwood flooring. Engineered timber flooring is now the most popular type of wood flooring used worldwide and the technology allows to produce much wider and longer engineered timber boards, as well as the application of endlessness of truly exclusive finishes.