Beds Blast Cleaning is a Bedford based blast cleaning (sand blasting) service company with over 40 years experience, providing abrasive blast cleaning to local companies and individuals. As blast clean specialists we pride ourselves on the quality of our service, which we deliver both on-site and through our mobile blast cleaning unit which operates around Beds., Bucks., and Northants. We are able to undertake blast cleaning, or sand blasting as it used to be known, on brick buildings, both steel and timber structures, and also provide a full blast cleaning service for body panels, chassis and complete vehicles.
Most buildings and structures left exposed to the elements will suffer water ingress at some point in their lifetime. Left unchecked, water ingress can cause severe and often costly damage to the property. A common cause of the problem can be rising damp caused by a failure of a damp proof membrane. In some cases, it can cause structural failure, and lead to costly repair bills for the owners. We can apply damp proofing products at competitive prices in order to control and prevent water ingress into the internal walls of your building.