If you're looking to add extra protection to your industrial buildings, we have a range of customisable cladding that can help. Once you get in touch, we can clad your buildings with a variety of different materials selected for durability. As a much cheaper option than the replacement of damaged buildings, save time and money with our cladding service in Cirencester and beyond! If your industrial or agricultural work takes place in Gloucestershire, whether it's Cheltenham or Cirencester, the team here at Tony Jones Ltd can provide you with dependable and long-lasting guttering or roofing in no time at all.
Guttering is a very important but often underappreciated part of a building. Poor guttering can affect the way rainwater drains from your roofing, causing extensive and expensive damage. Having working guttering is also a requirement of many insurance companies, so you will be saving money in the long run. You can rest assured that all our guttering will keep your roofing waterproof, in Stroud or Shipston-on-Stour! If you're a farmer looking for reliable and professional agricultural building services for the erection or dismantling or cattle sheds, warehouses, barns, stables and much more, our experienced team can help.
With more than 50 years' experience, the family team here at Tony Jones Ltd can supply and install new roofing for your industrial buildings, and even repair existing ones. Our team of specialists work throughout Gloucestershire, so whether you're in Cheltenham or Chalford, just give us a call and we'll advise you on the next step. Whilst asbestos was once considered a safe building material, those days are long past. If your building has asbestos roofing left in place, we can get rid of it for you.
Tony Jones Ltd, carlylouiseb@hotmail.co.uk