Our cleaning team will be tailored to your industry needs, we pride ourselves on delivering the highest professional service. We ensure from the start that all expectations are agreed in terms of time and scope. At HardHat we have many years of experience performing cleans for newly build construction sites, industrial factories, commercial outlets and residential buildings. All of our technicians are highly qualified, we carry out regular training sessions both external and in-house. We are happy to work in conjunction with accredited bodies in order to meet with our client's specific requirements.
Specialising in rugged environments since 1998, HardHat is able to tailor a bespoke package that suits the site location & dynamics required. HardHat will work with you to ensure we have the full facts to ensure you a commercially viable solution that monitors the behaviour of workers and assist you with social, environmental & sustainability values. Our software package can administrate access control, time and attendance, cscs card expiry, local labour, CO2 reporting and a whole lot more. All of our systems are designed to ensure smooth operations for all users focusing on safety and efficiency.