Carpet and upholstery cleaning can quickly transform a room and bring a new lease of life to your home. Take pride in your property by choosing our efficient and effective cleaning services where you'll be shocked at our amazing results! We can fully restore any surface or material. Whether it's stone, decking, or garden furniture, allow us to get your garden looking as good as new today! Why not find out more about our impressive treatments and solutions for patio and driveway cleaning? There is no treatment as effective as professional tile cleaning to transform dirty grout which may have discoloured over time.
Cleanbright was formed in 1984 by proprietor John Freeman. Coming from a successful valeting business, John decided to take the next step in expanding his business to give his clients a cleaning service that cannot be replicated. John's attention to detail and professionalism is what makes Cleanbright the successful business it is today. Our aim is to ensure every one of our customers receives the best possible solutions concerning their cleaning requirements. Our family-run team are dedicated to providing an uncompromising level of service and advice.
Our first point of call is to thoroughly inspect your rug. Firstly, to identify your rugs origin and construction means we can decide on the correct cleaning procedure to achieve the best results. We then place your rug face down on dusting grids ready for the beating machine to be run over the rug, this is a system that gently beats the back of the rug forcing the remaining deep embedded dry and compacted soils out of the rug. If your rug has an odour or pet stain issue, then this stage is where we treat the offending odour with a solution to neutralise any contaminants and then thoroughly rinse all the contaminates out via our centrifugal spinning machine on a rinse cycle.
Whether we're cleaning a single room or an 8-bedroom mansion, Cleanbright put the same amount of attention to detail and professionalism into every job we take on. We are renowned for achieving the cleanest results with the quickest drying times possible, whether you're looking for a reliable carpet cleaner or professional upholstery cleaner we can do it all! Choose our family-run team in Barnet, Hertfordshire to transform your interiors today and receive a friendly and reliable service with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Your driveway is one of the first things people will see when visiting your home, so why not take pride in its appearance? Our expert driveway cleaning services in Hertfordshire can restore your property and bring out colours you forgot existed! We also offer an effective patio cleaner service which also includes the expert cleaning of decking. If you're a proud homeowner and spend precious summer days in the garden, making lasting memories on your patio and decking, why not keep them spotless and picture perfect?
Have you bought countless tile and grout cleaner products over the years only to find the results are ineffective? Cleanbright could be your saviour! Our grout and tile cleaning services in Barnet, Hertfordshire are ahead of the competition with the amazing results we achieve for our customers. We understand that seeing improvements when cleaning grout can be difficult, and grout lines tend to discolour and become mouldy quickly. So, find out today how our friendly team can help you overcome your tile and grout struggles!
Prompt, polite and very efficient. Very happy with the results.many thanks
Excellent cleaning and service! Will def recommend.
John and his team were fabulous, they were professional and helped with a few other bits and pieces with no extra charge. Would definitely recommend them and use them again.
Some Tile and Grout cleaning today.
Patio cleaning in East Barnet, Herts.