At DiamondPlus, Our primary pride is deeply rooted in the constantly remarkable cleaning services we provide all year round. We are a relatively young and dynamic company with a management team comprising mainly of outstanding cleaning experts who have amassed a wealth of experience, over the last 15years. Fundamentally we listen attentively to our customers, focus on their respective needs and select the suitable member of staff, therefore achieving our main goal of constant relationship. We are only satisfied when our customers are happy.
At DiamondPlus, we specialise in providing comprehensive cleaning services strictly and carefully tailored to meet all our customers various specific needs in both Private & Public sectors. We promote a happy and healthy working environment between the continuously solid triangle of our customers, employees and us. Quality of the highest order, integrity and competitive cost efficiency are our three main objectives which we constantly and cohesively take pride in achieving at all times. With us it's four seasons of cleanliness, so whatever your cleaning requirements, do choose & gives Us a call or contact us online.
DiamondPlus has already provided hotel cleaning services to a number of hotels across London and we would love to do the same for your hotel. We appreciate that you have a responsibility to your guests to present an immaculately clean hotel and will make sure that no stone is left unturned in our cleaning service. We also appreciate that details are key to a hotel's appearance and we will be happy to comply with any particular specifications.
There is no set specification to our cleaning apart from thoroughness. At DiamondPlus we know that every customer is different and work with you to tailor a service that meets your personal office requirements. Diamond Plus already provides cleaning and support services to numerous commercial properties all over London. We'd love your company to be added to this list. Whether it is a general weekly clean you require or entire building maintenance, Diamond Plus will provide the professional service you want.
Diamondplus Cleaning Service has a team who specialise only with after builders cleaning. All our after builders cleaning team have received COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) training in the use and handling of the cleaning chemicals and fluids which may need to be used. We aim to deep clean, dust, deodorise and buff to ensure that your living and working space is returned to a habitable state in a few short hours. Our assigned manager would ensure all our builders cleaning services are tailored to meet your specific cleaning requirements.