We are a large hotel on Eastbourne's seafront and have used Seabreeze several times, sometimes for last minute jobs. Ben has always been very professional and obliging to help us out at short notice. We have had alot of spot cleaning done all over the hotel and every time stubborn stains are removed. We have also had a huge amount of chairs cleaned and they come up as good as new. I would highly recommend Seabreeze for all your cleaning needs.

Using a Pure Water 'reach and wash' system, all cleaned windows/surfaces stay streak free and beautiful without the need for harsh chemicals. These modern systems will clean your property very effectively from the ground and your property's window panes will sparkle. Household Window Cleaning is available as a weekly, fortnightly, monthly or every other month clean, with most people choosing fortnightly schedules.

so happy with carpet cleaning service, carpets look fabulous (even though their 16 years old) 10\10 thank you

We had our ovens cleaned by Ben and would like to thank Seabreeze Cleaning for a friendly and efficient service and two ovens that look like new.

We had our carpets cleaned by Ben from Seabreeze. The results were amazing (even though the dirty water was embarrassing ) We will definitely not.

What's new?

Always lovely to have great feedback from our customers.

Posted on Feb 28, 2021  •  Facebook

It's so nice to be appreciated by our customers! Thank you

Posted on Feb 22, 2021  •  Facebook

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