Internal and external bespoke joinery designed to suit your home, expertly made and fitted. Echoing existing features as necessary. Made from a range of good quality certified soft and hardwoods, fully sanded and finished to a high standard. Larger and smaller jobs undertaken, I have a lot of experience in making a wide spectrum of different individual projects. The photos throughout the website are mainly of more recent work, I do have many more pictures of a large range of items. I have been making replacement doors and windows for many years, and offer a full fitting service as well.
Hooray, I'm finally totally glazed!
Long awaited delivery today, can't wait to fit these!
These soap dishes I've been working on look great when stacked up.
Other frames now fitted and all glazed.#sapeleframes#timberdoors#externaljoinery
Hardwood six panelled door, made from sapele and fitted.#hardwooddoors#externaljoinery#timberdoors