Working predominantly in the exterior lighting market place our experienced and diverse team have delivered complex and challenging projects across the sector. Including detailed lighting and electrical design for large Highways Agency projects and major local authority energy projects. We have broad experience in the delivery of architectural lighting projects from small artwork projects through major industrial structures to decorative illumination of building with Durham World Heritage site being one prestigious scheme.
SLDS team meeting home-working style! #businessasusual #homeworking ##keepingstaffconnected #StayAtHomeSaveLives
Great to hear that the abandoned snake that staff members found at the side of the road is being well looked after…
Where are you going to, little brown mouse? Come for a feast in my logpile house.
Whilst out undertaking essential work for Highways England, staff discovered an abandoned snake at the side of the…
Daily SLDS team update meeting. #homeworking #StayAtHomeSaves Lives #keepingstaffcon nected #keepsafe
Given the unprecedented situation in the UK at present with COVID-19, the SLDS offices will be closed to any external visitors. Video conferencing facilities are available for any external communication.
Due to a potential flood risk, the SLDS offices will close at 4pm today. If you need to contact the office, please contact the engineers on their mobiles. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
SLDS held their charity Christmas Jumper Day yesterday and raised a total of £200 which along with blankets and tow…
SLDS would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year. #Seasonsgreetings #festiveperiod…
Some nice shots of one of our schemes by local photographer. #stocktonhighstreet #christmastime…