Established in 1992 we offer a comprehensive range of architectural services including commercial buildings, housing developments, schools, self builds, heritage buildings and smaller domestic extensions. We have extensive experience in all aspects of building design and construction. We are a Royal Institute of British Architects Chartered Practice, run by Architects registered by the ARB (Architects Registration Board). We are also approved by the national Buy with Confidence consumer protection scheme.
We have helped hundreds of families since 1992 to redesign their homes. The addition of an extension or re-arrangement of the interior can make a vast improvement to a building. Adapting your house by adding space for multigenerational living, or to be that 'forever home', can avoid the need to move. We will suggest options and ideas that you may not have considered and be there every step of the way to assist you with your unique project through to successful completion. We translate your wishes into cost effective designs and navigate you through the process dealing with planning applications, building regulations and builders.
Moving house is an expensive exercise: quite apart from the increased cost of a larger property, there are associated costs for estate agents, solicitors, removal firms and stamp duty. If you like the area you live in, and you have children settled at a good school, it can be a challenge to find somewhere suitable close enough to your current home. So, it is not surprising that many families decide to stay put and remodel the building they already occupy. Multigenerational living is an increasing trend in the UK which, contrary to the popular myth, does not always involve a 'granny flat' being created to house an elderly relative and save on care-home costs.
Julian Owen Associates have a long track record working with prospective self builders and others who wish to create their own home. Julian Owen is author of the book 'Self Build' (pub RIBA) and has worked with specialist shows, magazines and government to assist people to find a site and develop it for themselves. Building a new home from scratch can be daunting but with our wealth of experience we can make the journey a lot easier and greatly reduce the risks. We can guide you through every stage of the process from finding and appraising a site through to managing the construction and checking the quality before you move in.
Julian has featured in a recent article in Selfbuild and Design Magazine, dicussing his new book for the RIBA, Home Extension Design.
Julian Owen will be an expert speaker at the Build It Live virtual exhibition this weekend. On Saturday 19th September he will be offering some advice and suggestions on 'Designing Your Dream Home' at 4.10pm. Follow the link below to register.https:// k/ build-it-live-on line-2/ seminars-and-wor kshops-online/
A useful article on the effect of pandemic on building work. https:// how-is-the-covid -19-pandemic-af fecting-buildin g-projects/?utm_source=Sell igent&utm_mediu m=email&utm_cam paign=17479&utm _content=HBR+Ne wsletter+9+May+ 2020+&utm_term= 417847&m_i=HvLH yevD4yqVHsG%2B5.
To find out how an architect can help you with your project see Julian's article on the Build It magazine website:https:// www.self-build.c is-architect-wor th-the-money/?utm_source=Ades tra&utm_medium= email&utm_term= &utm_content=Co uld%20an%20arch itect%20save%20 you%20money%20b utton&utm_campa ign=Build%20It% 20online%20news letter
Our brand new website is now live!www.julianowen.
We currently have available 20 vouchers for two free tickets to the Homebuilding and Renovating Show 4th to 6th Oct…
Our heritage centre project made the front page of the Beeston Express this week.
No response to my complaint since Nov. Have ignored all my emails. @virginmedia is last resort. 72529877 (KMM5711487V35250L0KM)