In the current housing market, it may make more sense to extend, alter and improve your current home rather than try and negotiate the potentially stressful process of finding a new home, arranging a mortgage, moving home, finding new schools, etc, etc. Using the latest state of the art Computer Aided Design (CAD) software, sAs Architectural Design Services can produce 3 dimensional full colour images showing how your planned building work could look. A very useful proposition as most people struggle to visualise the works based on 2 dimensional plans alone.
The company was formed by Steve Scrimshaw with his extensive experience in a variety of roles from builder's labourer, to fully qualified Bricklayer and onto qualifying as an Architectural Technologist. Steve has worked for various construction and architectural companies, as well as running SAS Building Services for many years, before moving into the newly emerging field of Architectural Technology. Steve was very friendly, listened to our requirements and drew up suitable plans to fit our needs.
If you live within the Nottingham area (or surrounding areas) and are planning to extend your home or carry out significant alteration, you can benefit from our Architectural Services Nottingham based offering.
Building Regulations exist principally to ensure the health, safety, welfare and convenience of people in and around buildings; along with the water and energy efficiency of buildings. The regulations apply to most new buildings and many alterations of existing buildings in England and Wales, whether domestic, commercial or industrial. It's crucial to understand the importance of the building regulations as you are responsible for making sure that the work complies with them if you are carrying out building work on your property.
Fantastic assistance turning our idea into reality
Excellent service. Steve completed our plans to very tight timescales and offered some great ideas. He was always easy to contact, happy to help and had several useful building contacts. The planning process was well managed and straightforward despite being in a conservation area. Wouldn't hesitate to use Steve again.
Worked with Steve on a few of his drawings and never had any problems. Also always happy to come out to site and assist when he needs to
We've been delighted with Steve's service throughout the entire planning process from the initial plans and technical drawings through to recommending a builder, drafting party wall notices and addressing planning and building regulations.
Interesting couple of days coming up. In over 8 years running this business I've never had any applications decided by planning committee. This week I have 2! One this afternoon and one tomorrow. Just hope I have a couple of happy clients at the end of it all.
Excellent news this morning. Finally gained planning permission for a project I've been working on for well over a year. Happy client as well which is the main thing.
@Moose_Rocks morning, up again bright and early, got a load of work to get done today so I can take a long weekend…
I designed the extension and alterations to this bungalow in Bramcote last year. It's virtually finished now and looks so much better than it did before. In fact, it's hard to tell it's the same building.
Wow, I've been so busy I can't believe I missed the anniversary of starting sAs Architectural Design Services. Back in 2012 I took the leap into self employment and haven't looked back. Can't believe it's been 8 years already and each year just gets better. Thank you to all my lovely clients past and present and hopefully some wonderful projects and clients to come.
Just had my 15 minutes of fame, well actually it was over an hour but you know what I mean 😜
@Moose_Rocks Hey Moose you gorgeous human being 😘 Any chance of another AC/DC track? I’m heading down to Navigation…
Would love to take my daughter to her first bike rally ;-)
@dewsburyrock hey man, funny you should mention Malmö sounding like ikea furniture, just finished building it 🤪