Our ductwork is central to our air conditioning system. Ducts are essential for use in ventilation, heating and the conditioning of air. Ducts are needed to send the return air and supply air flows within your air conditioning system.
Speed and Street Ltd provide a wide range of electrical services for your business. Knowing that a high quality electrical system underpins your newly installed system gives you confidence as to its safety and easy of function. The electrical services that we can provide for your business of course cover any aspect of your air conditioning system. However, we are also able to offer electrical services for your business in areas outside those immediately to do with air conditioning. Some of the electrical services that we provide include Main distribution, Lighting & power installation, Access control, External lighting, Mechanical control wiring and many more.
Commercial: An installation of an air conditioning system in an office environment can be a valuable investment. This can be particularly true in offices with a high number of computers which can make working environments very hot. A cool and controlled air cnditioning system would be a great addition to your office environment. Industry: Large industrial spaces such as warehouses or storage spaces can be difficult to heat and cool in a controlled way. Speed and Street Ltd are confident that their products can provide a well-controlled air-conditioning solution for your industrial space.