A-Z Scaffolding Services & Supplies is a company that provides its customers with a whole range of access solutions for both the commercial and domestic market. We use our experience along with carefully chosen products to offer a reliable and professional service to suit our customers' individual requirements. All our products meet the British Safety Standards code of approval and A-Z's company policy is always SAFETY FIRST. A-Z employs the services of an independent safety officer if you have any queries regarding the safety aspects of a contract.
A-Z Scaffolding Supplies offers a range of products and services associated with the access industry. A-Z keeps a close eye on the latest health and safety requirements as well as the most up-to-date working practices in order to provide the best possible advice on or off site. We welcome enquiries from anywhere within the West Country for the following products or services. With the increasing use of staircase structures within the construction industry providing a safer and faster access to the workplace, A - Z Scaffolding offers a range of staircase systems that can be integrated to existing scaffolding structures or erected independently to improve the access options for sites of all sizes.
A-Z Scaffolding Services & Supplies offers a professional service for both the erecting and dismantling of scaffolding for a whole range of applications from film and television work through to construction, demolition, roofing, windows, cladding, fascias, rendering, painting and decorating etc. We are based in Plymouth operating generally within a 25 - 30 mile radius of the city. If you feel that A-Z could be of any service to you please give us a call for a free site survey and no obligation quotation.