Collection from any city in Bulgaria on a day of your choice (time windows available dependent upon area.) Free move to any city in the country after storage. We can redeliver your storage boxes from Any City to any city in the country after your student storage at no extra charge. Leaving the country after storage? We can relocate your things anywhere in the world using our established international moving services. Founded by students, for students, Student Storage Box understands your storage and moving needs as a student better than anyone else.
Our boxes and tape are FREE, so most people save around £40 before their service even starts! We offer FREE domestic moves after storage, so you can relocate after your storage at no extra cost!
International moving from most EU countries. Student Storage Box provides an all inclusive international moving service. If you are a student relocating internationally at the end of your university degree, or for a gap year, then Student Storage Box is the safe, fast, cheap way to ship your things by air in a matter of days, not weeks or months.
The Weekend is Almost Here.! In the meantime, have a discount on student storage+moving on us.https:// www.studentstora secure/ QuickQuotePage.p hp?dc=sleepwell
Don't forget your flip flops if you're heading to the beach this summer! Discount...
Be careful what you pack... :) Discount Code: SNEAKYCAT
Getting back to basics now that exams are over...! Discount Code: STICKSARECOOL
Ready for Summer?! :) #storage #shipping #student #moving #relocation #studentstorage...
Kitten storage not allowed... :) Discount Code: SSBKITTENS2
Don't forget storage before you leave! Discount Code: SUPERCAT
Enjoy the first weekend of Summer with Student Storage Box! Discount Code: STRESSEDMOUSE