Kentish Environmental is an environmentally aware, professional, pest control service that delivers individual solutions with discretion, whether it is for the removal, elimination or prevention of your pest problem. Many of our customers now prefer to have pests controlled without chemicals and chemical free options are once again being sought. New techniques are being developed and trialed alongside traditional non-chemical methods and techniques, so we are increasingly able to offer these as solutions to our customers.
It is only in recent times in man's history that we have become increasingly dependent on chemical pest control; however we are now becoming more aware of the adverse effects to our environment and risks to ourselves and other animals if used incorrectly. To that end we are able design solutions that use non-biocides wherever we can, and revert to what are often seen as traditional methods in the control of all pests. If you wish for your pest problem to be treated without chemicals, we will be pleased to run through the options available.