Other pests present more of a hazard to our health; wasps and bees, with the sting in their tail can be incredibly painful but, for a small minority of people, the venom in this sting can be fatal. Regardless of the pest, you need a quick, effective and professional response which is exactly what you will get when you call West London Pest Control!
West London Pest Control is a pest control company that offers effective and safe pest eradication and control across West London. We work with customers - domestic and commercial - across a large area and have many years experience and training. After proudly completing 20 years in Military Service Gary has successfully entered the pest control market in London. He has extensive high level training in pest control and provides a friendly and reliable service. You can see Gary working in the video clip from BBC Oxford Street as a leading pest controller in West London.
We expect to find the odd fly or two buzzing in or around our property in the summer months and these can be a nuisance, but once we have swatted them out the way, we rarely give them a second thought. However, if you are constantly doing this, finding an ever increasing number of flies in your home or business, it is a clear indication that there is a problem. Finding and dealing with the root cause, the thing that it attracting the flies is important - and this is where a professional pest control technician can help!
Ants are creatures that have been on the planet for thousands of years. There are many different species of ant found in various countries across the world; some species prefer tropical warmth, whilst others prefer the coolness and more temperate climes of the UK. Ants scurrying up doorframes, through windows and across counter tops in our homes and business can be unsightly and rather worrying however, the good news is that here in the UK, the species of ant we commonly see are not dangerous to human health.
Frim spiders to flies, bedbugs to woodlice, insects are around us all the time. Despite their minute size (in most cases!), they form an important and integral part of our environment. Insects are integral to the food chain; if no insects existed, birds, moles and other animals would have nothing to eat, in the main. However, like all pests, insect populations can suddenly erupt, causing a nuisance for many people and, depending on which insect this is, the results can present dangers to humans too.
Some people think that because they have no pets and a very clean home or business, that their property is not at risk of fleas. The truth of the matter is, fleas are like all other pests - they prefer a clean environment, warm and humid, with a ready food supply close by. Pets can be a food source, as can us humans and so, fleas can invade any property. All it takes is a single flea, transported through the front door on our clothes, bags or pets. Although a nuisance, fleas rarely cause significant danger to humans, neither do they spread diseases.