Bournemouth Pest Control Company MBC Bird and Pest Solutions are the natural choice when it comes to dealing with pest problems throughout Dorset and Hampshire. We specialise in many sectors of the pest control industry where other companies are unable to offer an effective solution or lack the experience when dealing with difficult pest problems. We are a company with a wealth of knowledge gained by working within the pest control industry for over 17 years. Our technicians are fully trained to provide expert advice and deal with all pest and bird problems readily and effectively.
We are Dorset and Hampshire's leading bird control specialists with local knowledge. Having worked in the industry for many years all of our services are provided in house and not sub contracted, thus ensuring we deliver to the highest standards. Whatever the Bird problem may be, our Bird Control technicians have the expertise to eliminate the problem using falcons and hawks, audio and visual deterrents and the latest in laser technology. We are fully trained and experienced in the installation of bird netting, bird spiking, sprung wire and bird deterrent gels.
MBC Bird and Pest Solutions is probably one of a few pest control companies in Dorset and Hampshire who actually specialise in wildlife management along with the many other professional services we offer. We're lucky to live in a Country enriched with natural beauty and an abundance of nature; unfortunately there are times when conflict can arise between us and the creatures living on the planet. When this happens some form of control or management becomes necessary, in these circumstances it is always better to seek professional guidance whereby you can have the confidence that we will manage the situation ethically whilst remaining focused on the objective.
Effective rat and mouse control begins with you showing due diligence and good housekeeping at all times, more importantly it is always better to have a strategy in place to eliminate any rodent activity prior to it becoming an infestation. Pro-active control is essential in preventing problems from the onset to maintain both a safe and hygienic working environment. Re-active control is applied after the problem has been identified and obviously more difficult to treat. Rodents carry diseases such as salmonella, E.coli and leptospirosis commonly known as weil's disease, furthermore they can all carry parasitic insects such as ticks.
Rats, mice and squirrels, we also cover more obscure species such as mink, stoats and weasels around rural smallholdings, fisheries, game farms and agricultural properties. Pigeons, Gulls, Starlings are the main problem species affecting both the householder and commercial premises, in addition we cover Canada Geese and ground nesting birds should the situation arise. Fleas, ants, wasps, bed bugs, ladybirds, mosquitoes, and beetles we are able to deal with all other insects such as mites and lice commonly associated with bird infestations.
Being the local choice of many leading brands MBC is now one of Bournemouth's leading pest control experts covering the whole of Dorset and Hampshire, our pest technicians, field biologists and wildlife management teams all work together to deliver pest and wildlife control ethically and humanely via our network of local branches. Being ethical in our approach we always consider non-lethal methods of control wherever possible and deliver our services humanely, responsibly and reliably. So if you have an insect or rodent control problem or a wildlife control problem you can now be confident that a call to our technicians will provide an effective and guaranteed service to protect your business or organisation from nature's pests.
Phobi Dose is an innovative and highly effective liquid concentrate formulation containing the active ingredients Imiprothrin and Cyphenothrin. The active ingredients in Phobi Dose are unique to the UK market in a liquid formulation and offer the pest controller a highly effective form of pest control.
MBC Bird and Pest Solutions is definitely the first choice when it comes to dealing with fox problems throughout Dorset and Hampshire, Many pest control companies refuse to deal with foxes simply because opinions are usually divided - People either love or hate them! Many problems start with people feeding urban foxes; they then set out territories and become a nuisance to others that don't want them. Whether your business or home is in a rural or urban area, you could be subjected to the fox's nocturnal activity and the problems they can cause; general fact is that fox populations and associated problems are becoming higher in urban areas than in rural areas.
MBC were called to investigate potential rat activity in a loft space, noises were being heard and the client had taken the DIY approach to no avail. We immediately Identified rat droppings and activity. We applied a baiting program using Lodi Sapphire paste bait. Cameras were set to capture footage.
MBC Bird And Pest Solutions Ltd The all round pest control company covering the heart of the south coast. Tel:01202 604011 Mobile: 07968052219 Website. www.lesterbirda
Last net fitted to a massive proofing job that MBC have been working on over the past 3 months. We have almost fully netted the roofs of a large appartment complex in Branksome, Dorset. We have also fitted 200 metres of spikes, 150 metres of bird shock, as well as applying 50x50mm weld mesh to all.
MBC Bird And Pest Solutions are still continuing to work on our essential sites, although not as busy as we should be for the time of year due to the current covid-19 situation. Waste Management is essential as bins still need to be emptied. Bird control on airports and some industrial areas are.