Our treatments are tailored to meet your individual / specific needs using the most advanced tools and techniques, together with our Off-Site decontamination facility and monitoring. We have evaluated and tested a wider range of products than is currently offered by the pest control industry. We have selected only products which we know through experience actually work. Bed Bugs Limited are a specialist bed bug exterminator based in London UK. We are the UK's most trusted company for treatments & accurate Information of Bed Bugs.
Understanding bedbugs is step 1 to being able to eradicate them and most importantly to keep them out of your home. This is just one of those issues that you need to get right from the start which is often not the same as "right now" and as such stopping to actually understand the problem will help you make the correct decisions on how to resolve them. The primer below offers the very basic information and provides the perfect foundation to expand your knowledge while you work towards a solution.
A bedbug infestation in your home can be extremely distressing and, therefore, it is imperative that the problem is resolved swiftly and efficiently from the start. We are a dedicated company which specialises solely in the eradication of bedbugs. Consequently, we are your best choice to help you resolve any problem quickly and cost effectively. Our dedicated technicians will assess your situation, confirm the presence of bedbugs, establish the most efficient method and determine, along with you the most appropriate course of action, prior to treatment implementation.
Driven from a scientific and customer services focus Bed Bugs Limited is still unique in the UK and one of only a few companies in the world who only work on bedbugs. We prefer to think of our service as "bedbug eradication" rather than "pest control" as we seek to resolve issues and not just manage them. Our services offer the most integrated solution to your bedbug issues available anywhere in the world, calling upon our experiences gained through dealing with infestations longer than any other specialist company.
Since 2005 we have been helping people eradicate their bed bug problems through an understanding of the science involved and applying our experience of dealing with tens of thousands of cases. Although most peoples initial response to finding or suspecting bed bugs is one of shock and horror the reality is that its a problem that can affect anyone from the most luxurious hotel to any type of property either owned or rented. As a pest of exposure bed bugs can be found anywhere that people go. Drawing upon our vast experience of helping people through this often emotional issue we would like to provide the following clear summary of how to deal with bed bugs.
Increasingly we are being called upon to offer consulting services on many aspects of bedbugs. We have conducted a diverse portfolio of consulting projects from business development and process development to quality assurance and legal support. Clients have ranged from barristers seeking facts opinions for legal cases to homeowners seeking answers to a long-standing problem. Although we are happy to help people out with simple requests for information much of what you could ask about education and avoidance has already been written in our educational sections and public information site www.
Although we specialise only in bedbugs we occasionally encounter other issues, often when general pest control companies have failed to identify the source of the problem. Sometimes this has been linked toa lone flea brought into the home from outside. A lot of people incorrectly assume no pets = no risk of fleas but experience has taught us this is not the case. In summer a picnic in the park can bring an unwanted guest home, likewise a walk on a path frequented by cats, dogs or foxes. Rarely is a flea issue without animals serious enough to warrant or justify chemical treatment and in most cases the protocol below will resolve light cases within a few hours.
Having bedbugs in one of your tenanted properties can be very frustrating for landlords as although the law states that its your responsibility to resolve it is rarely the landlord who actually brings the infestation into the property. The following section details how we approach the situation to ensure that all parties work together to resolve the issue as quickly and cost effectively as possible as well as what services we can offer to reduce the risk of this happening again. Having bedbugs in your Hotel or Hostel can be extremely distressing to both your guests and staff as well as having a massive impact on the reputation and viability of your business as people turn to online reviews for booking information.
Bed Bug Beacon Available in the UK . Ideal for detecting bed bugs in an unoccupied room https://t.co/kTMDER355Z https://t.co/Nr63UhoBA2
Our Unique Decontamination service for Suitcases and belongings Don't take bed bugs home with you bring them to us… https://t.co/4qC71enyW5
The Life Cycle of a Bed Bug No matter what stage or size they are , bed bugs are always visible to the naked eye… https://t.co/p0zTQu0a6K
Typical Signs of a Bed Bug Problem This is when the problem has not been detected for several months… https://t.co/uRpTU78JzK
Our Home Treatment Kit for treating Bed Bugs a tried and tested product that works https://t.co/9pneg0de3n https://t.co/NqfLlJ81nG
Bed Bug Blue is Available in the UK from our website The scientific way to determine if those marks are in fact bed… https://t.co/pnvepW0Bks
Our Passive Monitor. Proving its value in detecting bed bugs The perfect first line of defence in the war against b… https://t.co/nAB7qGZT5S
Our Bed bug Passive Monitors are designed to be the perfect home for bedbugs making them easy to detect via the tel… https://t.co/vq0jouabGi
We still encounter a lot of people who have accidently brought more home from their business trip or vacation than they had planned. If you have been exposed to bedbugs while away from home we can always decontaminate your luggage before you take it home. It's not uncommon for us to be the first.
As the weather warms up so does our incoming calls.