Nowadays there are several different types of wallpaper available for you to choose from when decorating your home. Before wallpapering your home it is a good idea to understand which types of wallpaper are available, so that you choose the correct wallpaper for the finish you want. When deciding on which wallpaper to use, you should also think of where you are decorating. Some wallpapers are more durable than others. For example, the wallpaper you might choose for the living room may not work for covering bathroom or kitchen walls.

We use Primers and Topcoats for all exterior painting jobs. Doors, Window Frames Pre-paint with primer and undercoat, Top coat with gloss or egg shell paint Exterior Wood Pre paint with primer and undercoat Several top coats of gloss Metalwork Primer If metal is clean surface Undercoat Top coat of gloss.

With thousands to choose from. That's why at F&B decorators we believe that nothing is more important than our reputation. In this web site you can read what our customers say about us, and see some examples of our work.

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