With over 30 years' experience, our extensive resources enable us to offer the most competitive prices for all ranges of work from contract maintenance at large establishments to small jobs on domestic premises. Call us for advice on any aspect of grounds maintenance. We will provide you with your own groundsperson who is only a phone call away; and with a complete range of equipment at the groundsperson's disposal, you will receive the best service at the best price.
R&G Grounds Maintenance is based just north of Northampton and was established over 27 years ago. The origins of the business go back to when the local authority privatised its direct labour organisation in the late 1990s. Staff transferred to R&G and brought with them years of experience and training in the maintenance of schools and colleges. Over the years, these skills have been applied to more efficient methods of working using the most modern equipment. The result is a business able to provide a wide range of grounds maintenance services at the most competitive rates to a variety of clients.
R&G specialise in the preparation of digital maps for parish council grounds maintenance. Digital maps enable councils to record details of parish maintenance areas and assets in a form which can easily be re-produced. Any elected councillor is eligible to apply to become a member of the Government's Public Sector Mapping Agreement (PSMA). Once a member they are then permitted to license contractors to use maps to work on their behalf. Many councils have signed up already and are using the facility.
We work closely with housing associations carrying out initial clearance, tree work, lawn treatment and weed prevention as part of our domestic grounds maintenance service. We meet the tenant on site, or the housing officer, and give advice where needed and offer a quotation for any work involved before going ahead with the work. We have also taken on a new sector of our business, taking on gardening work for domestic properties where homeowners no longer carry out the work themselves such as mowing their lawns, hedge work, shrub bed maintenance, weed prevention, patio cleaning and making sure gardens are prepared for all seasons of the year.
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Wild Flower Meadow in full bloom enjoyed by residents @gpparishcounci l
Has your fence blown down due to storm Gareth? Give us a call on 01604 845222 or email office@rgrounds.co.uk for a visit & quotation
Our new addition to the fleet is a quad bike to assist us with many operations. At the moment, it is being used for weed spraying and enables us to cover a wider area efficiently.
A nursery asked us to construct and install a sand play pit for their children, sheltered from the sun and has a good sand cover. Well done Tom and team!