All the services we provide are completed to the highest possible standard using the highest quality products. All our machinery uses an efficient dust extraction system which alleviates the need for a big clear up at the end of the project. We only use the highest quality floor sealing products which are extremely hard wearing, environmentally friendly and almost odorless. For years we have specialised in the restoration of floors and sourcing our new timber responsibly thus further reducing our impact on the environment.
At Jacksons we have specialised in the installation and restoration of all types and styles of parquet block flooring since 1858. Parquet flooring has become somewhat of a niche market with a significant reduction in flooring firms offering parquet flooring services. At Jacksons we combined the traditional methods and skills with the market leading products and machinery to give the best possible finish, regardless of whether it's a new parquet block floor we are installing, or an existing parquet floor we are repairing sanding and finishing.
Old oak damaged school hall floor being re laid using modern adhesive. The floor is in Newcastle under Lyme however we primarily work in York Harrogate Scarborough Hull and the surrounding villages restoring sanding a sealing both new and existing wood floors. Several years ago we sanded and sealed a pair of staircases in Ganton Hall near Scarborough. Upon a re visit for some additional work you can see that they are wearing very well with almost no signs of wear. The floor was secret nailed to the existing sub floor sanded and varnished/sealed with 4 coats of hard waring floor seal.