From single pack solvent based to advanced epoxy and polyurethane coatings and screeds, we at Floor Painters Limited have the knowledge, skill and resources to assist you in your search for information regarding what is available and suitable for your flooring and wall requirements.
Floors and traffic routes should be sound and strong enough for the loads placed on them and the traffic expected to use. If you have an existing floor that is worn or badly damaged, we have the knowledge and skill to advise you with the correct specification to repair these areas. The Correct specification and application of the most appropriate flooring system can have a dramatic effect on reducing accidents in the workplace. When a project requires drainage we can offer advice, supply and installation of stainless steel channels, man hole covers and gullies.
problem: worn slippery production area. Solution @resbuild Solvent free coating with slip resistant profile finish.…
First room complete second room to finish tomorrow #flooring #epoxy #floorpaint
Under way installing slip resistant epoxy coating #HealthAndSafety #resinfloor
Garage workshop refurbished using @resbuild Solvent Free High Build Epoxy Coating
9 manhole covers sand blasted and coated with @resbuild mma deckcoat. Only another 32 to go.
Floor Painters Ltd: Installation of new drainage channel and polyureth...
Freezer floor repairs competed using @resbuild MMA freezer grade products @flooradviceman
Emergency floor repairs complete our client will be back in production soon. @flooradviceman